Resolution: Opposition to Random Drug Testing of Students Without Cause
Whereas, the members of The Strongsville GOP firmly believe in the protection of individual liberties and the principle that no government entity should infringe upon the rights of our children without just cause; and Whereas, the Strongsville City School District's policy of randomly drug testing students without cause represents an overreach of government authority, compelling students to submit bodily fluids without proper justification; and Whereas, we believe that any drug testing policy implemented by the Strongsville City School District should first be applied to staff members, ensuring that students are not held to a different or higher standard than those responsible for their education and well-being; and Whereas, drug testing is the primary responsibility of parents, not the government. While we are not opposed to the school district offering resources and services to assist parents, the government should not dictate what is best for our children; and Whereas, while the stated purpose of the Strongsville City School District’s drug testing policy is to promote a safe, healthy, and drug-free environment for students, we are deeply concerned that such a policy serves to condition our children to submit to overreaching government practices; and Whereas, the members of The Strongsville GOP are committed to safeguarding the freedoms of our community, particularly the rights of our students to be free from unnecessary and intrusive government actions; Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the members of The Strongsville GOP do not support the efforts to randomly drug test students without cause and strongly oppose any policy that compels our children to submit bodily fluids without proper justification; and Be it further resolved, that the members of The Strongsville GOP call upon the Strongsville City School District Board of Education to rescind the current overreaching drug testing policy and to instead implement policies that respect the rights and freedoms of all individuals within the school community. Resolved this day, August 29, 2024, by the members of The Strongsville GOP. |
December 2024